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The 2020 pandemic and previous years’ overtourism issues showed us both the benefits, the relevance, and the limits of the tourism, hospitality and leisure industries for society. We cannot foresee the future, but we can listen to challenges and start developing solutions.
So far we have received more than 900 responses in which these questions have been discussed::
In the name of the global tourism family, many thanks to every single one of you for the inspiring feedback. Your replies are summarized in the sections below.
Don't forget to share YOUR insights (for the first time or again, with new observations):
The 10 quotes below are updated every few minutes and elephant word-clouds are recalculated regularly based on your new survey entries. You have to refresh the page or revisit us every so often to see the changed content.
I want to give you free insights, inspiration, information and best practices from which you can learn – to open and take your hostel or other type of accommodation to the next level. (July, 2020)
Traveling is said to be the only thing you can buy that brings you happiness. That feeling of waking up and realizing you will finish your day in a new country where everything will be yet to explore is just crazy. Usually when I try to think of events that happened in the past in some particular time period I always use travel to navigate easier in my mind. For example, what have I been up to in September 2018? I know it's been a great month because I spent 7 days in Greece! Anything else I remember without thinking hard besides that week? Not really... What I am trying to say is that traveling is very impactful. Every journey changes you a bit and adds something to your life. That is what I love the most about it. (April, 2020)
During the pandemic I followed the trend of the COVID data and read various articles referring to the forecasts for an economic recovery. I found interesting ideas from Croatian, Italian, Slovenian, Austrian and English articles. Each state had visions but in reality no one has a crystal ball to predict the future. For the moment it will be very difficult to start again. People are divided into two groups, those who are so afraid and would like everyone to stay at home and those who want to go out and continue living normal life as before- (May, 2020)
As a single female traveller I am concerned about my safety even more in times like this. I usually like to travel to different places that involve staying in hostels and using local public transportation. I am not very likely to travel to a far off destination this year (and maybe not next year either, depending on the availability of a vaccination). My next "big" trip will definitely involve either a tour operator (additional safety net) or visiting friends abroad who have a local network and can help out in case this would be needed. Hearing news about people in hostels being stopped from going out by the police is very scary and I do not want to have to experience this. I nonetheless would not book an all-inclusive hotel stay either though. (April, 2020)
Private tours are currently the safest way to travel. The probability that a tourist will be infected on the trip is relatively small, as long as the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Slovenian National Institute of Public Health are followed. (July, 2020)
I work in the hotel management in a luxury castle. There we can provide our guests the maximum comfort with a 8 ha garden (and we only have 25 rooms/suits) so it is perfect for guests, who want a short break from there everyday life, who wants to relaxe, who wants to enjoy the nature.
So nowadays it is necessary to provide your guests everything they want. That they leave your hotel with a smile. (October, 2020)
We would need to know more predicitons on the life after. We would need succesfull (guerilla) promotion to (new) markets. (April, 2020)
Trying out all sorts of different applications and never stop being curious. (April, 2020)
The protests of stay in place orders. (April, 2020)
Communicate: build up your digital community now! Talk to you guests of tomorrow, contact the loyal guests and ask how are they doing. They will really appreciate it. Encourage people to stay home today and travel tomorrow. Share positive messages and make people dream about your destination. (April, 2020)