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The 2020 pandemic and previous years’ overtourism issues showed us both the benefits, the relevance, and the limits of the tourism, hospitality and leisure industries for society. We cannot foresee the future, but we can listen to challenges and start developing solutions.
So far we have received more than 900 responses in which these questions have been discussed::
In the name of the global tourism family, many thanks to every single one of you for the inspiring feedback. Your replies are summarized in the sections below.
Don't forget to share YOUR insights (for the first time or again, with new observations):
The 10 quotes below are updated every few minutes and elephant word-clouds are recalculated regularly based on your new survey entries. You have to refresh the page or revisit us every so often to see the changed content.
We are solving this bad season by organizing trips and holidays in Slovenia, Croatia, Greece and Italy. (September, 2020)
Tourism provides a mean to discover the world and it's many varied cultures. To enjoy beautiful landscapes, discover new experiences and soak up new cultural experiences. Tourism helps to create a world without prejudice. (May, 2020)
To travel free & wherever you want is still not possible and also not sure when it will be possible again. I work as a receptionist during the holidays and we are facing many challenges right now. The government frightened the people of travelling especially guests from other countries. Right now we have to put double or tripple the effort to generate new guests to get as many guests as possible to keep our hotel alive. (June, 2020)
What will tourism look like during the covid 19 crisis and how will we organize travel given that travel recommendations change from day to day. (July, 2020)
New safety standards will need to be developed to protect tourists and travel workers on their travels. A new way of traveling is definitely waiting for us in the future. (August, 2020)
Our metodology for marketing is based on customer typologies, personas. We work a lot with models that combine the destination's resources and products with the personas that can be relevant for the destination. We also have resources regarding sustainability issues and culturally sensitivity in tourism, as we work a lot with Sami tourism. (May, 2020)
Perhaps creating a small, inspired group of us for idea sharing, innovation and fostering creative thinking as we are all, in one way or the other, locked into the square box thinking (May, 2020)
Everyone can show everyone that renunciation is possible and necessary in this situation. Meanwhile, you can put your money into small businesses to keep the economy running, even if it is only for one take away dinner. (April, 2020)
Social media influencers using it for attention; politicians making speeches to further their own agendas and blame various other parties instead of taking responsibility. Others whom are price gouging, being rude and inconsiderate, unfortunately this list goes on and on and on. (March, 2020)
Thank you that you are giving us the possibility to share our own ideas with the world. (November, 2020)