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The 2020 pandemic and previous years’ overtourism issues showed us both the benefits, the relevance, and the limits of the tourism, hospitality and leisure industries for society. We cannot foresee the future, but we can listen to challenges and start developing solutions.
So far we have received more than 900 responses in which these questions have been discussed::
In the name of the global tourism family, many thanks to every single one of you for the inspiring feedback. Your replies are summarized in the sections below.
Don't forget to share YOUR insights (for the first time or again, with new observations):
The 10 quotes below are updated every few minutes and elephant word-clouds are recalculated regularly based on your new survey entries. You have to refresh the page or revisit us every so often to see the changed content.
Data on youth travel responses to Covid 19 - now being published with WYSE Travel Confederation. (May, 2020)
For me, tourism has just as much to do with locality as with business. I believe that we need to discuss tourism not only from a touristic point of view, but rather from a perspective where local businesses, infrastructure, cultural institutions and the local societies in total is taken into consideration as the foundation for all tourism. Since tourism affects all parts of a local community, tourism development should work bottom-up, where locals are involved to ensure that development follows up on the locals values and needs for their own society. With this approach, tourism can add to sustainable growth and welfare, contribute to increased cultural understanding and respect and be a part of the environmental solutions. (May, 2020)
I'm really struggling with finding the fine line between containing the pandemic and holding down my upcoming wanderlust. But at this point of 2020, for me its more important to watch after the health then traveling around to satisfy my wishes. Because for me family always comes first and I couldn't deal with the fact that I'm the one that spread Covid-19. (October, 2020)
Flying in an airplane is a challenge, since that's a place where the virus can spread rapidly and it's impossible to keep distance. Also, at the destination (wherever in the world) there is a risk of bringing the virus and infecting more people there, or the tourist getting infected. Also, since tourism basically came to a stop, people depending financially on tourism face huge problems right now, and for the time to come. Moreover, I'm thinking about all the people who will lose their jobs who work directly or indirectly with tourism, like airline workers, events, cleaners, security, tour operators, guides, hospitality sector and so on. (May, 2020)
Push domestic tourism. Feature your Covid safety positives. eg Deep clean. For me in self catering, the fact that people can maintain absolute social distancing. (May, 2020)
My skills, my willing to make the difference and my passion towards tourism. I think that nowadays ecotourism should be the key to success. (May, 2020)
We need more resources on digital solutions and on solutions for destination development, destination management and consumer behavior. (May, 2020)
We need an effective vaccine that will protect the population and allow it to travel normally. (August, 2020)
Not do much an exploitation as such, but discounting I see amongst hotels in Japan will not save the industry as it causes the Prisoner's Dilemma. Everyone could suffer as a result. (April, 2020)
Great to see initiative to re-think and evaluate tourism during the pandemic. Thank you. (April, 2020)